Monday, December 20, 2010

As i sit here waiting for that lunar eclipse thing

that hasn't happened since the 1500's

i was so bored to tears..

that i decided i should revisit

my abandoned Deep Dark Pit of thought.

As i curse Brian Williams to giving me

the wrong time of 3:00 when it's suppose to happen..

and Mac to smart assing me that we live in colorado..

and that brian williams is "chilling in NYC" and that we are two hours

behind.... so it happeneds around midnight here...

wow.. good job dark goddess of thought.. bravoo.. bravoo.

So... now im watching Jay Leno do his little Head Lines i

enjoy a nice spiced latte.. and touch up my purple wicken brand lipstick..

Well i'm not actually doing that.. im drinking a glass of water.. and putting my

hair in a pony tail..


im soooooooooooooooo


and my partner in crime is probably sleeping at home

having no clue about this lunar eclipse and has no want to see itt


well i still love you bestfriend!

i think i'm going to google brian williams...

Yeah.. that's how i got that picture...

Have you ever noticed how off brian williams face is with his head?

Yeahh.. its a tid bit.

Soooo okay...

Im gonna go now...